Canada - British Columbia Teachers' Federation
Canada - Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario
Canada - The Manitoba Teachers' Society
Canada - National Union of the Canadian Association of University Teachers
Canada - Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association
Canada - Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation
Caribbean - Caribbean Union of Teachers
Denmark - Danish Union of Teachers
Finland - Confederation of Unions for Academic Professionals in Finland
Finland - Finnish Union of University Researchers and Teachers
Finland - Trade Union of Education in Finland
Finland - Union of Finnish University Professors
Ireland - Association of Secondary Teachers Ireland
Ireland - Irish Federation of University Teachers
Ireland - Irish National Teachers' Organisation
Ireland - Teachers Union of Ireland
Ireland - University and College Union
Japan - Japan Teachers Union (in English)
Japan - Japan Teachers Union (in Japanese)
Japan - The University Teachers' Union
New Zealand - Post Primary Teacher's Association / Te Wehengarua
New Zealand - Tertiary Education Union
South Africa - National Education, Health and Allied Workers' Union
South Africa - South African Democratic Teachers' Union
Sweden - Swedish Teachers' Union
UK - This is a list of education trades unions. Note: the website for the Educational Institute of Scotland bills itself as the oldest teaching union in the world.
US - American Federation of School Administrators
US - American Federation of Teachers
US - California School Employees Association
US - California Teachers Association
US - National Education Association
US - New York State United Teachers
US - United Federation of Teachers