If you would like to add a professional body for your discipline, please forward the web address to ku.ca.temnodnol|namdrah.d#ku.ca.temnodnol|namdrah.d . Alternatively, apply to join the site as a member and modify the page(s) yourself. Many of the current listings are UK-oriented, so relevant information from other countries is particularly welcome.
General websites
CASS/CAP Education Design Studio
AcademHack: Tech tools for academics
Google Docs Community (YouTube)
Informal Mobile Podcasting and Learning Adaptation (IMPALA)
Jane's E-Learning Pick of the Day
MoLeNet - The Mobile Learning Network
The No Significant Difference website - this is a companion website for the book of the same name, which compares the efficacy of alternative modes of educational delivery.
Social Media Classroom - this is a free and open-source web service, but even if you don't require the service there are some useful links to be found here.
Web 2.0 teaching tools. Blog site.
Interuniversity Decision Behavior Teaching Repository